Top 10 Tips On How To Prevent Acne Scars?

 In Scar Removal

Acne scars are the most common; about 80 percent of people between the ages of 11 and 30 experience them, and one out of five develops scars. Acne grows when bacteria, oils, and dead skin fill up and inflame pores. Pores are tiny openings in the skin from which oil and sweat rise; these pores are clogged by dirt, resulting in whiteheads and blackheads. In many cases, these clogged pores become inflamed and lead to many other types of acne. Acne is a temporary problem, but acne scars can be permanent if not treated promptly. Scars are part of the skin’s natural healing process after a wound or injury has damaged it. The following blog will provide you information on how to prevent acne scars.

 How does skin acne cause scars?

The skin is the largest organ, with three main layers. The outermost layer is known as the epidermis; the middle layer is called the dermis; and the hypodermis is the lower layer. These layers shield the delicate inside from UV rays and bacteria while also aiding in the production of vitamin D from sunlight.Any skin with sebaceous glands is more susceptible to acne than the face, chest, and back. 

Acne scars are caused by the inflammation of acne blemishes and occur when the pores swell and a breakout occurs. The small blemishes and scars that are created are shallow and heal quickly. Sometimes blemishes still enter the surrounding area and lead to deeper scars. It does not mean that if you have acne, you will have scars. The best part is that there are ways to prevent acne scars, and many treatments are available to remove the scars as well.


What are the types of acne scars?

Acne scars are raised skin that develops as a result of acne damage.If your body does not produce enough collagen, then pitted scars occur; however, there are four types of acne scars:

  • “Rolling scars” have smooth edges and a wave-like appearance.
  • Boxcar scars have sharp, defined edges and appear as small imprints.
  • Icepick scars are deep, narrow scars that require time to heal.
  • Hypertrophic scars are raised scars with red spots that can be itchy. 


What are the causes of acne scars?

Acne scars are mostly caused by an inflamed lesion like a pimple, papule, or cyst. Inflamed blemishes occur when the pore becomes clogged with oil, dead skin, or bacteria. It leads to the swelling of pores and causes a break in the follicle wall. If a rupture occurs, the lesion is minor and heals on its own. There are cases in which a deep break in the follicle wall results in more serious lesions. The greater the skin inflammation, the more likely scarring will occur, and it will take a long time to heal.


How to prevent acne scars?

As per expert dermatologists, reducing the risk of cane scarring can be done by aggressively controlling the cane. If you are worried about how to prevent acne scars, then the best way is to keep your skin clear. If your acne is mild, you may treat it well with the help of the best dermatologist and over-the-counter treatments. If these do not work, then start with a sign of scarring. It is best to visit your skin specialist to determine whether your acne is severe. Learn All you need to know about acne with Dr Syed. Below are some vital tips to prevent acne scars:

  • Never pick or pop pimples.

The best skin doctors advise not to pop or pick the pimples, as this increases the chances of developing scars. If you pop it, clean the area properly and avoid touching it.

  • Keep your skin clean.

It is vital to keep your skin clean to prevent acne scars. Make it a habit to wash your face at least twice a day, especially after sweating.Use a non-abrasive cleanser.

  • Shampoo your hair regularly.

It is best to shampoo your hair regularly, as hair oil can also be a cause of acne on your forehead. If you have oily hair, you should shampoo more frequently.Also, keep your hair away from your face to prevent acne scars.

  • quickly decrease inflammation.

Inflammation from acne is the main reason that causes acne scars, so it is best to decrease inflammation quickly. It is the key to preventing scarring.

  • Use sunscreen 

To prevent acne scars, it is best to use sunscreen, as damage from the sun can darken the scars and spots from acne. The benefits of using sunscreen daily are that any acne scars a person develops will be less visible because your skin will not be subject to sun damage.

  • Stay moisturised 

It is better to stay moisturized, as it will give you a healthy appearance. Daily moisturising helps your skin’s healing process and makes existing acne scars less visible. It helps to unify your skin’s tone as well as texture.

  • Treat breakouts 

To prevent acne scars from developing in the first place, it’s vital to stay away from future breakouts and get your acne under control. Also, certain lifestyle changes like changing your pillowcase more often, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep help prevent acne from developing.

  • Add vitamins to your diet

Include vitamin A-rich foods to stimulate cell turnover. Since scarring happens beneath the skin’s top layer, vitamins offer a chance to heal the scarring from the inside. Not all vitamins are equal, but to prevent and fade acne scars, you can add vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin A to your diet.

  • Limit makeup and stay hydrated

Dehydration offers dullness to the skin and also promotes inflammation and discoloration. Keep your body hydrated, as it will help you to prevent scarring. Also, avoid using makeup to cover your acne or pimples, as it will clog pores and trigger breakouts. Never wear makeup on a daily basis, and wash your makeup gently at the end of the day to allow your skin to breathe.

  • Seek professional help

A simple visit to the best dermatologist can help you prevent acne scars and reduce existing acne. There are some types of acne that, if treated on time, can minimise the risk of developing scarring. When scars appear their best, doctors can use laser technology to remove them. By damaging the screed spot, a laser is used to rebuild the coating. If you are concerned about “How to prevent Acne scars” then consult Dr Syed and get quality and proven acne treatment in delhi and Gurgaon at Royal Lush Skin, Hair, and Laser Clinic.


When should I see the best dermatologist?

If the above-listed tips to prevent acne scars and lifestyle changes aren’t helping you, it may be time to seek professional treatment. At Royal Lush, a skin, laser, and hair clinic, the best dermatologists assess your skin’s condition and recommend the best treatment that’s right for you. Acne can become chronic if left untreated and can result in scarring. 

So minimising the breakouts is very important. You can avail best Acne scar treatment at Royal Lush Clinic. The clinic is led by Dr. Syed Nazim Hussain, who is one of the best dermatologists in delhi and Gurgaon. So if you are searching, “How to prevent Acne Scars” then the Royal Lush Clinic can be helpful. 



Pimples are a teenager’s nightmare and are painful, red spots on the face, which are frustrating. If not treated well, they can leave behind ugly scars that can last a lifetime. These scars are due to the skin’s attempt to heal the surface damage caused by the pimple or acne. A pimple outbreak can be mild or severe, and it is best to visit the best dermatologist. Acne takes time to clear, and if you keep seeing breakouts after following these tips, visit the best dermatologists who will help treat existing acne. It will help you prevent new breakouts from forming and reduce the existing conditions.

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